Bohemia Interactive studio
- We are conveniently located just outside of Prague, plenty of space for parking, restaurants are in vicinity.
- Just 45 minutes from Prague International Airport - Ruzyne
- And 30 minutes from the center of Prague - the highway to Pribram city.
- Multiple selected hotels in Prague close to the highway to avoid traffic congestions and some pensions close to the studio (family type of accomodation, owners may have trouble speaking English, though). We will be happy to book the hotel for You on request.
The stage
- Purpose built building primarily for the motion capturing.
- Large stage: 15.5x15.3x5m (49x49x17ft), black walls, remotely adjustable lighting.
- Frame on the ceiling and both small and large tripods with common photographic heads allow for free positioning of the motion capture cameras to almost any imaginable configuration; also wiring for acrobatic action of the performers is possible.
- Ceiling frame makes it possible to build large blue of green screen and record FX shot in sync with MoCap actors at the moment (we have finished a project that required this setup actually); the room can be used for any of those purposes independently, where its characteristics (size, black walls and ability to limit free light to a minimum) are value added features.
- Special devices available for recording of in-game cut scenes or special FX shots: audio playback, video playback (also projected on a wall), high resolution video recording (in-house RED One digital camera)
- Large movable staging and additional pipes – the actor can jump from, climb on etc.
- Large gates on both sides allow running through the stage, e.g. horse and rider in motion, a car etc.
- Multiple ladders, chairs, and stools
- 3 common mattresses for recording fallsand one very large matt for free falling.
- Relatively strong reverbation makes it sub-optimal for live audio recording. Special microhones can overcome this to certain degree.

Other Studio Equipment
- High speed Internet available for sending processed data anywhere in a moment, unlimited WiFi available for free.
- Telephone and fax
- power plugs: many 220V/50Hz and also 2 plugs 380V, 3x16A each.
- Building has a fully equipped kitchen, wardrobe room, plenty of space for resting, an area for eating and an area for staff briefings
- Lots of room for parking
- A park and a pond on the grounds of the studio for rest or additional rehearsals